Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Sorry State of The Society We are Living In: Feminism Condemned and Misunderstood

I have been writing for quite some time now. My posts are from varied subjects: Feminism, crime against women, love, relationships, normal psychology, motivational and sometimes sarcasm and humor. Undoubtedly writing has exposed my brain to different perceptions prevalent in the society but it has also made me witness a very dark, unnerving state of the society.
A state where change has crept in but it is yet to be accepted.
Feminism has definitely spread its roots in the society. It is being perceived in many ways. Some name it as a harbinger of change, some have simply rejected the idea of equality bashing it and naming it "Female Chauvinism" and finally there is a part of society that hardly cares.
Feminism as I may define, before I get into the details, is a movement which was started to get EQUAL rights for women thereby denying them any special privileges over men. Feminist are people who are a part of this movement, irrespective of their gender. A feminist will detest any ill social practice that shackles the freedom of women in any domain; however they would not support any idea which tries to belittle men or snatch away their rights. For example: A feminist will be against domestic violence towards women but he/ she will also be against any violence towards men by a female. They would condemn rapists but they would always render their support to a male who has been framed with a wrong rape charge. A feminist wouldn't want reservation for females nor do they want a male to get up and surrender a seat for them. They want to be treated as equal. Simply E Q U A L  "EQUAL". Nothing more and nothing less. But yes if you try to lech at a woman or tell her how to dress or talk or walk, I will not take any guarantee of how a feminist might respond. We are touchy about freedom. Any type of freedom: of expression, of clothing, of thought process.  We all love freedom. Nobody wants to be enslaved. No one at least in my knowledge.
Being a Feminist has also become a trend. Everyone wants to be a part of a movement which appears to be significantly cool. Sadly more than half of the people preaching feminism have bent its definition to their advantages. This is not a personal attack. But then I have seen females who'd be high and mighty about feminism and yet would also want special privileges that women have always been subjected to like a man should always pay the bills, or a man should leave a seat for them. My point is when you are fighting for equality you will have to feel equal and let go all the preconceived notions in your heart. Chivalry in men is totally a different topic all together. You cannot have the good from both the plates.
Likewise there are many males who'd say that they support feminism yet only to a point when women outside their homes are preaching it. As soon as the concept creeps in the family, they start detesting it calling it flawed and only for women who are progressive. They are prepared for the change that this movement will bring yet they are afraid and somewhere fear that if women become their equal then it would certainly lead to catastrophic condition. They are not yet ready accept the change. This can also be attributed to the wrong definition of feminism they come across, making them feel that this movement is to enslave men. I repeat It is for equality.
There is another group of people who are misogynist (people who hate women) yet deceive themselves into being a feminist. When they see any female rising and shinning high, they start panicking and devise methods to bring her down. They'd solely support feminism until a woman is empowered enough but yet not equal to them.
I know it is very hard to bring a change. No revolution has by far had a very easy sail. There are arguments, theories, and conspiracies. There are believers and non believers. But then something that can uplift the otherwise degraded condition of women, how can that be responsible for disbalancing nature?
The roots of feminism are very deep. If you happen to read very very old scriptures you would know that women were equal to men. Womanhood was celebrated. Be it Christianity or Hinduism. I am not writing about Islam because I am yet to do my study on it. But I am very sure even Islam wouldn't want to deprive women of their rights. When I say study of scriptures, please read the ancient ones. What we read now are the changed one's that suit the society. I would not go into the details but if anyone is particularly interested they can inbox me later and I can give them a detailed analysis I have done in this very month on old scriptures.
I am no expert yet I can see and understand what is right and what is wrong. I have also voiced my opinions wherever possible to make people understand what feminism is all about. I strictly abhor the idea of a contorted feminism but if you happen to understand the real motive behind it, it wouldn't appear that hollow a concept. I request to anyone who is reading this to think calmly over it. Feminism will make women confident, it will reduce crimes, it will lead to better harmony among males and females and it would definitely lead to a better world.
Finally this post is open for comments as long as they make sense and have logic behind them. Condemning the post or feminism would make no difference. It is a movement, it is moving forward even if the pace is slow.
PS- Being a feminist I have come across hate posts, threats, abandonment from friends and loved ones. I am not rigid nor am I perfect. But then I am changing myself everyday to be a true feminist. I have made remarks earlier about women which now I think I shouldn't have because that goes against feminism but as long as I am ready to accept my mistakes and not repeat them I guess, it is a positive sign.
I very recently met two other feminist Sreya Sanyal and Sophia Saxena, who are trying to bring some sense into the society as well. We are a very small group who are trying hard that the society changes its thought process and tries to adapt to the right definition of Feminism. I have seen how men deal with us, they resort to name calling, etc etc. But these two ladies did not deter. They are strong.
Let us hope we are able to generate a little more awareness.

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